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The statements made on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information provided here is in no way intended to replace proper medical help. Consult with the health care authorities of your choice.

If you’re taking medication and want to embrace essential oils, please understand that sometimes there are essential oils and medication contraindications. If you are taking medication and would like to incorporate essential oils into your lifestyle, please consult with a doctor and/or pharmacist well versed in essential oil use and do plenty of your own research as well.

Some big benefits are balancing hormones, boosting immunity and fighting infection, supporting digestion and boosting energy, improve brain function, reduce stress and anxiety, alleviate aches and pains, boost skin and hair health, reduce toxicity, relive headaches and migraines, promote restful sleep an the list goes on and on (From Dr. Josh Axe) . 

Oh, and they just smell amazing. 

Uses 100’s upon 100’s and we will cover them in our blog. 

Organic is defined as “Derived from Living Matter” And Produced without the use of Chemicals or pesticides” 

1. USDA’s organic certification is not specific to essential oils. Rather, the standard is originally meant for the regulation of produce and agricultural products. In fact, there is no governing body that regulates essential oils in the U.S. The FDA doesn’t even have a regulatory definition for the term “essential oils” and the law considers “ingredients from plants the same as those from any other source.” This means that ingredients from plant sources are no different than the same ingredients produced synthetically.

The Essential Oils we use are sourced globally as the company we choose to do business with to develop our products believes in sourcing and growing plants where they are best suited so they can produce oils of the highest quality. This means the essential oils occasionally come from plants grown in other countries, which don’t have organic standards such as USDA certified organic seal because each country has its own rules around organic practices.  

The quality control measures that our EO Supplier imposes upon itself and its partners go beyond the current organic standard, which is why they are able to deliver  pure, unadulterated essential oils with all the natural ingredients and therapeutic properties that occur naturally.

Quality claims on essential oil products are not well-regulated and should be treated largely as marketing material. If a pleasant fragrance is all you are after, simply use your own nose as a guide. 


The same species grown in different soils, at different altitudes, harvested in different ways, and extracted with different methods will produce oils with significantly different chemical compositions, some of which are much more desirable than others for therapeutic use. 

Then there is the application of them, Different people react in different ways to different compounds. Often it is an extended excercise to find the combination that is most pleasing to you.