How To Make Elderberry Syrup

How To Make Elderberry Syrup

Have You Ever Wondered How To Make Elderberry Syrup? Or What all the fuss is about?

Wonder no more, we are going to discuss Elderberry Syrup now!

Just one really important detail, Elderberries are poison to humans. UNLESS you cook them!

Uncooked berries, leaves, bark and roots of the elderberry plant contain the chemicals lectin and cyanide, which can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, eating too much of the cyanide-inducing glycosides will cause a toxic buildup of cyanide in the body and will make you sick, put you in a coma, and possibly kill you.

Cooking the berries and seeds will remove the toxins.

People have used elderberry for its health benefits for hundreds of years. Elderberry contains antioxidants, those who use it will tell you it can relieve colds, fight the flu, and boost the immune system.
Elderberry nutrition:
1 Cup of Elderberries.
  • 870 mg of vitamin A.
  • 406 mg of potassium.
  • 52.2 mg of vitamin C.
  • 9 mg of folate.
  • 55 mg of calcium.
  • 2.32 mg of iron.
  • 27g carbohydrates
  • 10g of fiber
  • 106 Calories

Obviouly it packs a pwerful punch!

The Magic Recipe


1 cup Organic Dried Elderberries
4 cups Distilled Water
1 inch Fresh Ginger Root, cut in 4ths
2 Cinnamon Sticks
3 Cloves
1/2 cup  Honey
3 drops Thieves Vitality Essential Oil Blend
2 drops Lemon Vitality Essential Oil
2 drops Orange Vitality Essential Oil
2 drops Cinnamon Bark Vitality Essential Oil
2 drop Ginger Vitality Essential Oil
2 drop Clove Vitality Essential Oil

1. Place all ingredients, EXCEPT for honey and Essential Oils, inside of your Crock Pot and cook on low for 6 hours, Turn off after 6 hours and allow to cool to room temperature.

2. Mash the berrie mixture with a potato masher and then strain thru a fine mesh strainer into a bowl.

3. Making certain the mixture is room temperature then add honey and essential oils, Adding them before the mixture is cooled enough will cause the benefits of them to be reduced.

Store in a Glass Jar with a good sealed lid for about 3 weeks. If you are making a larger batch you can freeze it in icecube trays but never microwave to thaw.

The average we found on how much to drink is about an ounce a day for preventative measures, However adults can take it about every three hours if they are experiencing cold or flu like symptoms.

Be sure to get a copy of our Beginners Guide for more recipes! You can find it here.

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